Entries by Gillian Camerson

Felden-WHAT? – “No pain, MORE gain” movement re-education

Feldenkrais® trainer Larry Goldfarb tells an amusing story about the time he was asked at a party what he did for a living. “Felden-What?” was the surprised response. I can certainly relate to that! His explanation to the party goer has become so popular it has since been translated into 8 languages. – Alan Cameron, […]

Len Lye and Human Movement

As an artist – an acclaimed practitioner of the aesthetic – the late Len Lye  has become internationally known for his “figures of motion”. Like Moshe Feldenkrais he was not interested merely in movement for movement’s sake. He was interested in expressing movement, a universal phenomenon in all things and events, as something experienced in […]

Individual Care and Falls Prevention

My mother in her mid-to-late 80s had a serious fall while living in a retirement village. Fortunately, she did not suffer any fractures and, though having appeared to have suffered a minor stroke as a result, fully recovered. Her experience was by no means an isolated case. The findings of researchers in the field of […]